Thursday, April 17, 2008

From the Website

Trust MeReporters who accompanied Hillary Clinton on her 1996 trip to Bosnia knew that her claim of having come under sniper fire was false, yet none of them said a word until Rich Noyes of the conservative Media Research Center’s NewsBusters blog reported that media accounts at the time described the peaceful ceremony when Clinton landed. Six days after the NewsBusters report CBS Evening News ran the video and its reporter came forward.

The media love Obama,” a reporter told Newsmax’s Ron Kessler when he asked why his efforts to expose Rev. Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ and its so-called Black Value System had been rebuffed. “If you want to do a critical story about him, you are considered by the network to be biased, ” she told him.

Yet The New York Times ran a page one story insinuating that there was something wrong with John McCain’s relationship with a pretty female lobbyist, even though no favors were exchanged and no one had sex.

Kessler writing on says, “The marketplace is holding the mainstream media accountable. While competition from the internet has been the biggest factor, the decline of what Laura Ingraham calls the “dinosaur media” is in part because readers simply don’t trust it.”